If none of these materials is available to you you can always elect loud toilet to soak rags or towels in hot water and wrap them around the frozen pipe. This will probably take longer than any of the methods previously mentioned.
It water line repair is advisable to speak to neighbors and friends regarding the same. If any of your neighbors or friends has had a plumbing emergency and has been happy with the plumber they engaged then it is best to contact the same plumber. Family may also be of some help as far as recommendation is concerned but neighbors are a better option because they will give you details of an agency in the same area as you.

In general, plumbers out there can be subdivided into two: one who can do the basic maintenance plumbing duties and the other one who is capable of handling more complicated and general works. Let's discuss these two types.
Sales representatives must know beforehand that almost all the answers above need to be encouraging. Otherwise, there is a slim to none chance a sale is made. Besides cold call prospecting, so much of the typical sales rep's time is spent trying to make sales when a sales situation does not truly exist.
OQuality water line repair referrals from friends family or acquaintances can be an invaluable cog in the process. By getting referrals from people you trust, you can make your search a much faster process.
Plumbers should always have a durable and long lasting ventilation system ready for any job. Having clean air in ready supply can make many tougher jobs go much more smoothly and will cut down on the risk to the plumbers considerably.
The plumber you hire does not normally do heating but will do hot water heating or in floor heating in the house. Some places you can use the water heater for both domestic hot water and for in floor heating if the heating is a secondary heat. Check with your local plumbing codes on this to be clear.